Len Morrison

Len Morrison, Manager of Professional Development for the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL), works within the Supply Chain Management Master’s (SCM) Program. His colleagues say he has made significant and continuous contributions not only to the success of the MIT SCM program but has also gone above and beyond elevating his impact to the level of the overall MIT CTL. He recently organized staff workshops which have resulted in stronger team dynamics, better conversations, and increased collaboration across MIT CTL.

Len Morrison

Job Title:
Manager, Professional Development

Department, Lab, or Center:
Center for Transportation & Logistics – Supply Chain Management Program

How long have you worked at MIT
7.5 yrs.

Describe your role and responsibilities at MIT:
I’m responsible for responsible for career and professional development, employer relations, alumni engagement and employment outcomes for the SCM Program.  As a Gallup-Certified CliftonStrengths Coach, I also enjoy helping students, CTL researchers and staff discover their strengths and talents to become more productive teammates and to more effectively “tell their story.”

What is your favorite part of your job:
No question, the best part of my job is seeing the student’s joy as they receive employment offers. Throughout the career preparation process, they’ve become close friends and it’s wonderful to see their hard work be rewarded.  

Do you have any hobbies or interests:
Hiking – my new goal is to hike the 48 peaks in NH over 4,000’



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