Jazy Ma

Jazy Ma, Director of Administration and Finance for the System Design and Management Program, has been nominated for a Staff Profile by her colleagues for her expert handling of the submission of CTL TA and RA appointments for all SDM students. Jazy responds to requests with remarkable speed and efficiency, and consistently goes above and beyond to address concerns. A “true rock star,” she recently helped adjust an error on a student appointment while on vacation, which was done successfully and in time for payroll submission.

Jazy Ma

Job Title:
Director of Administration and Finance

Department, Lab, or Center:
System Design and Management Program

How long have you worked at MIT:
 almost 23 years (~ 2 months short), 5 years at SDM

Describe your role and responsibilities at MIT:
My job is a very exciting one, never had one dull second! SDM is a professional Master’s program that has its own tuition system with multiple tuition rates based on credit units registered. My responsibilities range from finance management for the program (budgeting, reporting, analysis, overseeing spending, JV, travel, RFP, FRC…) to student finance (working with the Registrar and SFS to make sure every single student has a correct tuition bill); from HR transactions (hire, change, transfer, termination, supplement, MITemp, visitors, etc.) to student appointments including RA, TA, FE and hourly (working closely with other DLCIs and OGE on related issues); I also manage sponsored research (pre and post award) and handle visiting scholar visas when needed.

What is your favorite part of your job:
The variety! I do all kinds of things and I’m never bored.

Do you have any hobbies or interests:
Reading history based novels.



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