Lili Zhu

Lili Zhu, Financial Officer for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), was recognized by her colleagues for her willingness to roll up her sleeves and assist her colleagues wherever she is needed. She is dedicated, detail-oriented, and a valued member of the CEE community.

Lili Zhu

Job Title:
Financial Officer

Department, Lab, or Center:
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

How long have you worked at MIT:
4 years

Describe your role and responsibilities at MIT:
Assisting Director of Administration and Finance with general, endowed accounts management and budget, and assisting faculty on the administration of pre and post-award sponsored activities.

What is your favorite part of your job:
Working with CEE finance team and other amazing colleagues.

Do you have any hobbies or interests:
I like to read home improvement magazines, watch ballet performances.



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